No more rounded shoulders!
Get your best body ever at Pilates LAULE’A.
There is absolutely no need to look old! Say goodbye to the bad posture and see the difference.

Rounded shoulders (=bad posture/alignment) not only compromise your beauty, but also can ruin your health by causing shoulder pain, back pain and stress. Better posture can also improve your everyday life (walking, going up stairs, etc.) and sport performance, if you play any.

After 60min Pilates session, you will look and feel different.


Like any other exercise, there’s no magic, meaning you need to participate. Regularly. You can’t keep your “best body” forever without doing anything.

Now, you might think “I don’t know if I can (or want to) do this”. We totally understand. And that’s one of the reasons why we are here for you. You are not alone. We are in this together.

Let us encourage you to imagine what it’s like to be if you can:
– Walk around with your loved ones without worrying about knee pain.
– Look stunning in your favorite dress.
– Travel anywhere you want when you’re in your 80s.
– Be confident about your body.


Our goal is to make people happy through exercise. Movements can make you happier and stronger, not just physically but mentally as well. We truly believe that.

So, please share your goals with us. We are here to support you 100%.

Physical Fitness is The First Requisite of Happiness.     Joseph H. Pilates

LAULE’A means “Peaceful, Happy” in Hawaiian.
LAULE’A is a Pilates studio located in Yoyogi-Uehara. The instructor is certified both in BASI Pilates and NASM CPT to specialize in personal training Pilates sessions, where our clients can share their physical fitness goals with us. Our mission is to support our clients achieve their goals, as well as to make sure they feel better, confident and empowered after each session.


Our clients’ goals are varied; to improve any sport performance (dance, biking, martial arts, running, golf, or anything), to reduce back/shoulder pain, to improve posture, to stay in fit/lose weight, to exercise safely during/after pregnancy, to reduce stress, or to keep the body healthy for future.

What is your goal? Pilates may not be for everyone but for anyone, and if you are interested enough to visit this website, we believe Pilates can do something good for you. So, please share your goals with us.

Our mission is to support our clients achieve their goals and make them happy, both physically and mentally.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise method developed by Joseph H. Pilates in the early 20th century. Originally called “Contrology”, Pilates was design to develop full-body control, build strength, improve flexibility and physical endurance.

It emphasizes alignment, breathing, strong core muscle, coordination and balance.

The Pilates method uses specifically designed equipment to promote uniform development of the whole body which allows weaker muscle to develop instead of relying on the stronger muscle.

Benefits of Pilates

  • Develops Core Muscle
  • Increases Flexibility
  • Increases Strength and Balance
  • Increases Body Awareness
  • Improves Coordination
  • Promotes Deep Breathing

  • Improves Sport Performance
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety
  • Reduces Back/Shoulder/Knee Pain
  • Improves Posture
  • Promotes Weight Loss by Improving Basal Metabolism
  • Preventing Injuries in Sports and Daily Life


Introductory Session (60min) 5,000 yen
Single Session (60min)   10,450 yen
4 Sessions @8,800 (valid for a month) 35,200yen
30 min Session (ask for details) 5,500 yen
  • No tax will be added to the price.
  • We accept cash payment only.

【Cancellation Policy】 24 hour cancellation policy enforced for all sessions. Non-refundable and non-transferable.




BASI Comprehensive Instructor, NASM CPT, PMA Pilates Through Pregnancy, Yamuna Body Rolling (Phase 1), Tye4 Mat

She was first introduced to Pilates through her dance friend to improve dance performance, where she met a Pilates instructor who had an incredible story about an 80 year-old man who became able to walk without any support after Pilates session. The story made her determined that her mother should do Pilates (her mom and dad are both super healthy in case you wondered, thank you!) and she decided to take teacher training to do Pilates with her mother.

After graduating BASI instructor course to start teaching at a Pilates studio, she has met so many clients who changed for better not just physically but mentally as well and decided to open LAULE’A to offer a place where people can feel happy, energized and confident by achieving physical fitness through Pilates. It’s often said that “Pilates is not a purpose itself but a way to make your life better”. But she simply loves Pilates and secretly hopes her clients feel the same someday.


3-45-16 Sherry #D, Nishihara, Shibuya, Tokyo, 1510066
5 minutes walk from Yoyogiuehara station, Metro Chiyoda Line or Odakyu Line.

(Direction) From Yoyogiuehara station, Exit 1, find Family Mart and walk to left passing by Node Uehara and a small park, to turn right at the first corner. Keep walking straight to pass Tiaras (restaurant) and find three-way street, of which take the right one and keep walking for about 2 minutes to find “Sherry” on the right side. Come visit room #D.

studio map




Contact us/お問合せはこちら090-6473-3008営業時間:8:00-18:00(日祝休み、完全予約制)Open: 8:00-18:00 (Weekdays except holidays. Reservation required)

Email us/メールでのお問合せ