**We are now preparing the contents of our website. Some parts may be updated, but key information including pricing and access will not be changed. Thank you for your understanding**
Welcome to Pilates Studio LAULE'A
代々木上原駅から徒歩6分。 土日祝限定オープンのプライベート専門ピラティススタジオです。
Private Pilates Sessions in Yoyogiuehara on Weekends and Holidays.


LAULE'A will open in Yoyogiuehara in this December to offer you a private Pilates session on weekends and holidays, where you can have a great experience of improving both your body and mind. Yes, mind as well! Because we strongly believe that a small change, including reduced back pain, headache or stress, can have a huge impact to make your life so much better, and we do hope to become the “leverage” to make the change happen. We open our studio to offer you a place where you can feel energized through movement. Pilates is so much more than just a method of exercise and we hope to share the great experience with you. Please contact us to discover more! Thank you!
We offer a special price for you!
1 Private Session 8,000 yen
→ Trial 5,000 yen
We also offer 3 trial session package.
Find more.
Contact us/お問合せはこちら090-6473-3008営業時間:8:00-18:00(日祝休み、完全予約制)Open: 8:00-18:00 (Weekdays except holidays. Reservation required)
Email us/メールでのお問合せ